Sunday, February 3, 2013

Common Name: Nautilus

Scientific Name: Nautilidae

Adaptation: Nautilus is compared to its relatives, the octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. The shell is divided into multiple sections ranging from 5 to 40 depending on age. The body remains in the largest of these chambers and is able to contain all of its tentacles inside of his shells. One completely inside, he shuts the hole with a leathery hood. The tentacles are lined with alternating grooves and ridges in order for it to grip on to objects. Over the years not many changes have happened to the Nautilus. It is said that the Nautilus was alive around the dinosaur ages. It's eyes are poorly developed and are thought to form blurry images.

Habitat: Nautilus lives near the bottom of the coral reefs (1500 ft) during the day and comes up at night to shallower waters to eat.

Endangered/Threatened/ or Not: The nautilus is not protected due to lack of scientific information. Many are killed for the purpose of trading it's shell.

Why did you choose this organism: I chose the Nautilus because it just looks like an interesting sea creature. It is one of the most unique I have ever seen and wanted to learn more about it.

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