Sunday, February 10, 2013

1. Plankton is important because it is the beginning of the food chain. Several small fish and other organisms rely on plankton for their diet.

2. Plankton help clear out bacteria. Plankton consumes bacteria so it helps with providing a stable level of bacteria.

3. Without plankton the food chain would collapse. Every relies on the existence of plankton.

Diatoms are eukaryotic single celled algae. They are like plants in the way that they use photosynthesis. Chlorophyll gives them a golden color which helps preserve light. Cells may form chains with one another, colonies. There are over 100,000 species of diatoms. Dinoflagellates are also Eukaryotic single celled algae. They have two flagellas which give it limited mobility. About half are known to have photosynthesis. Other types of species have different ways of obtaining nutrients. Of the 2000 known species about 60 are able to produce toxins.

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