Friday, March 22, 2013

Representatives of the U.S. Navy visited today and I am certainly more informed on what they do. Their career may be entirely different from person to person depending on the path you choose to take. Regardless of the path you take you must go to school first and go to boot camp. After that you're free to enjoy which ever path you took. What I found most interesting is how willingly these men were to give their life for this country. Like the younger said that if someone messes up in a submarine and they accidentally hit a rock then regardless they will probably sink. He stated that there goes 100 lives all because of one mistake. To be honest i didn't really learn much about the ocean at all. Everything they stated in the slides was stuff we had reviewed in class. Also, to be fair we didn't get that far into the power point. Honestly, something I will remember is Allen slamming down on my desk and yelling at me. At that point I was a little drowsy and it really gave me that wake up call.

Flukes are used to identify different whales. They are used to identify whales because every single fluke is unique to the whale. Scientists need this data in order to see the types of whales in each part of the ocean. Each fluke is different whether it be completely black, completely white, black with some white, some with scars, etc. The most difficult part of this lab was the fact that there were so many pictures. It was really difficult and frustrating if you're looking for a tail that is at the start of the packet and you miss it so then you're stuck looking until the end only to realize that the fluke match was on the second page. One way to definitely make it better, although the tails are only black and white, is by providing pictures in colors.

Over fishing is one of the few problems we have in the ocean currently. One of the ways we over fish is through the use of trawl nets. When the net us dragging across the bottom of the ocean in hopes of catching shrimp, the shrimp is not the only thing getting caught. Along with shrimps we catch a surprisingly overwhelming number of fish as well. We catch more fish than actual shrimp.When brought onto the fish the fisherman inspect what they have captured and even if dead they return the fish into the ocean. This is killing a variety of fish that should of been caught only for the hopes in catching shrimp. Ways we can help stop over fishing is by supporting our politicians to make the right choice.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Coral bleaching gets it's name due to the fact that the coral turns completely white. This happens in change in temperatures in the water causing the coral to excrete the algae within it. This affects the environment by mostly impacting the fish that rely on the coral. The coral eventually will die following the fish that require it to survive.

1. Ghost Fishing: Old fishing nets and fishing tools that are left in the ocean that continue to catch.

2. Entanglement: Fish or other marine animals that get caught in fishing lines or nets.

3. Plastic Bags: Plastic bags are mostly affecting sea turtles. Sea turtles mistake plastic bags for jelly fish which they then eat and most likely suffocate on.

4. Plastic Pellets: Animals mistake the pellets as food. Once they consume it the plastic doesn't break down in their stomach which causes them to never feel hungry and then they die from starvation.

Common Name: Lion fish

Scientific Name: Pterois antennata

Adaptations: The lion fish uses camouflage to adapt to his surroundings.

Hunting Strategies: The lion fish uses its spikes both as defense and offense. Each spike is filled with deadly poison which it uses to kill.

Reproduction: When a male and female lion fish are ready to reproduce they both change colors. The male becomes darker while the female becomes lighter.

Interesting Facts: Lion fish is one of the most venomous fish in the world. Lion fish can grow up to 16 inches long. They can be as small as 2 inches.

Why I chose it: I chose the lion fish because it looked interesting and it was on the list.

Sea grass are more salt tolerant in order to live in sea water. They also have specialized roots which help them against the currents.
There are only three types of animals that can eat the sea grass directly, others eat the detritus.

Residents: Residents are the animals that permanently live in the sea grass.

Migrants: Animals that come to feed on residents. They take shifts during the day and night taking turns eating.

Travelers: Large animals such as manatees, dolphins, and shark that also come for food.

1. Sea grass helps prevent shores from eroding.

2. Sea grass provides a nursery for small crustaceans.

3. Sea grass slows ocean currents.

4. Sea grass are producers and help feed larger marine animals.

5. Sea grass provides food and energy for coral reef fish that come to visit.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This video is simply discussing the problem with trash. Trash is filling the ocean and hurting the marine organisms.  This talks about the great pacific garbage patch, which is where all our trash ends up in the ocean.

If i had to rate this video from a 1-10, ten being the best, i would rate it a 7. 7 due to the fact that it's nothing I have never seen before. I did feel like the presentation was done well and i understand the point they were trying to get across. The only thing lowering the score is the fact that they didn't introduce anything new.
Mono filament: These are fishing lines that are left in the ocean. They can be left there and since some fish can only detect light they might swim right into them and get caught.

Entangled: Entanglement is when fish get caught in old fishing lines or nets that someone just threw out into the ocean. This can choke the under sea organisms.

Plastic Bags: Plastic bags are mistaken with jellyfish and can do harm to any sea creature that consumes jellyfish.

Ghost Fishing: Ghost fishing is when fishing gear gets lost at sea. This gear is meant to capture fish so if they are floating on in the ocean then obviously they're going to hurt something.

Plastic Pellets: These pellets may be easily consumed by fish or various other creatures and then causing them to choke and die.

Nursery: Mangroves provide protection for smaller fish that are being hunted. Fisherman use this to catch the predators and feast on them

Nutrients: Mangrove leaves are broken down into detritus, which provides nutrients for animals in the mangrove ecosystem.

Sediment: Mangroves help filter the sediment as it flows into the sea.

Toxins: Just like the sediment, mangroves help clear out toxins.

Buffer system: Buffer system helps protect homes from big waves.

Ecosystem corridor: This corridor provides a safe transportation for mammals.

1. Black mangroves use pneumatophores to collect air. These are vertical roots that extend out of the soil.

2. Black mangroves have surrounding, widespread roots around the trunk.

3. In order to protect from strong currents, red mangroves use prop roots to help them stay up.

4. Red mangroves have the ability to allow water to enter them and exclude the salt.

5. Both red and black mangroves are salt tolerant allowing them to grow in salt water.

Common name: Otter

Scientific name: Lutrinae

Habitat: Found in almost every continent and are relatively close to the water.

Reproduction: Female otters reach sexual maturity after two years while it takes male three years.

Prey: Otters enjoy crustaceans such crabs and crayfish. They also eat any common fish in the area where they live.

Facts: 1. After one month the young come out of their cave and after two they can swim.
          2. Otters love to sunbath during the day and are very active at night.
          3. There are 13 different types of otters found around the globe.

Why I chose it: I chose the otter because otters wreck face and they rock my socks off.